DEMO v0.8.5 Update!

Hey guys! It's update time for the Demo!

I've reworked the entirety of Episode 1 Act 1 with new decorations, materials and destructible props. Also reworked the blood effects & made the gore sounds thumpier!
Alongside this there's a bunch of quality improvements, reducing the stuff running in the background & the size of enemy objects to make everything run smoother. Also a new chainsaw upgrade!

Maybe consider giving the demo another run-through, because it's quite different!

Anyways here's the full changelog...

v0.8.5 Changelog:

"Switching things Up!"


- More credits tweaks
- Revamped all Gore & Gibbing SFX!
- Tweaked credits a tad
- Added button to join Discord and follow on Twitter
- Fixed Issues loading game into tutorial
- Increased menu loading screen cover to cover all screen edges
- Various particles now destroy themselves after use instead of deactivating
- Retweaked Blood Shinyness to be more vibrant
- Added a level restart button to the pause menu
- Tweaked the Hanahakill & Blood Wisp targetting to actually aim at the player properly
- Starting default game FOV is no 94 'cause of Henry
- Main Menu music fades out on game load
- Added Frost effects to every enemy
- The GUTTER (Chainsaw) can now be updated
- Moved 'Intruder Mode' setting to a pre-campaign modifiers section
- All enemies can be frozen into ice cubes now lmfao
- Added Tyrone to the game
- Added extra lives to the game
- Removed the 'BioStriker' Enemy
- Added a levelling XP bar to the top of the HUD (toggleable in options)
- Transparent Depth Prepass enabled on Fence materials to improve rendering
- Tweaked flashlight for improved visibilty in some levels (and less in others)
- Spinning fans get bloodied upon gibbing an enemy
- Added a circular countdown to Explosive Barrels
- Exploding Barrels have a warning sign sticker now
- Exploding Barrels spawn at randomised rotations



- The Pause Button works in the new tutorial now
- Fixed exploit where Essence could be regained by leaving and loading saferoom
- Added achievements for upgrading guns (general upgrade + all current guns upgradable)
- Added an achievement for dying in the tutorial like an idiot
- Added 'New Game Plus' modifier
- Added achievements for talking to Alyssa & Zeph
- Saferoom items & health now save properly
- Saferoom Terminal isn't active until entry dialogue is complete now
- Saferoom Dialtone dialogue is now skippable
- Removed the extra space on the 2nd dialogue options (idk why it was there)
- Added a kettle & nice rug to the saferoom

episode1 act1 (demo act)

- For lag and progression reasons, the Cafeteria Tables are now bolted to the ground [p1]
- Achievement added for finishing without the Yellow Keycard [Ep1]
- Added an extra life somewhere [p1]
- Actually finally added Alyssa image to the Dialtone HUD [p1]
- Tweaked SMG 1 Secret bounds to prevent wall clipping [p1]
- Added a bunch more wall decals and decorations [p1]
- Tweaked the positioning of multiple copper wall-linings [p1]
- Tweaked exposure adjustment to better suit flashlight visibility [p1]
- Removed some monster walls to prevent softlocking [p2]
- Put silly warning signs about [p2]
- Extra decorative electrical components and breakable props [p2]
- Reduced general lagginess from NPCs [p3]
- Added a new skip tactic [p3]
- Drastically tweaked decorations & expanded on level [p3]
- Changed lighting brightness in certain locations [p1]
- Added railings to the grassy segments [p1]
- Fixed the text popup on the exit blast doors properly [p1]


- Tweaked Spawn Numbers

That's all for now! If you've read this far, thanks for the interest in the game!
Have a nice day y'all
- Elias

Files 751 MB
May 31, 2024

Get Bane Murrain: First Act

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